How to Improve your Fuel Mileage
If there is one thing that never changes in the trucking industry, it’s the fact that everybody is trying to make as much money as possible. While this can prove to be a challenge at times and seem out of the drivers’ control, one way for smart drivers to take back control and maximize every paycheck is by saving at the gas pump and valuing every drop of fuel that enters their truck. Listed below are five steps these drivers can take so that they can improve their MPG. BE SMOOTH While the last thing a busy driver wants to do is slow down their truck as they rush to deliver a load on time, one way drivers can save fuel consumption while topping out at the same cruising speeds is by taking their time to get up to speed and making an effort to stay smooth while shifting gears, accelerating and braking in their truck. Shifting before hitting high RPM in low gears might be a little bit slower, but avoiding those increased rev levels can help the truck at the gas pump...
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